Sync grades
Sync grades one-way from your MyLab and Mastering course to your LMS course.
Watch how to sync grades (1:01)
Set up grade sync
Select your integration and then LMS to see instructions.

Check the Launch Type in Diagnostics or the information below to identify which integration was set up for you. Contact your LMS administrator if you're still unsure.
Integration type | Launch Type |
Access Pearson, including Pearson Seamless | Standard integration LTI 1.3 |
MyLab and Mastering | Standard integration LTI 1.1 |
Access Pearson Codeless | Channel partner integration LTI 1.3 |
CPI Partner | Channel partner integration LTI 1.1 |
Direct integration
You'll generally see Direct integration links in modules and other content areas of your course. You don't access these links from the left navigation, except in Blackboard and Moodle. These links often include the MyLab or Mastering product name. For example, Mastering Biology - Student Resources.
Access Pearson integration
The tool for the Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) integration is usually named Access Pearson.
MyLab and Mastering integration
The tool for the MyLab and Mastering ( LTI 1.1) integration is usually named MyLab and Mastering.
Partner CPI or Access Pearson Codeless integration
The location of the link to access the Pearson Home page from the Barnes & Noble, Follett Willo, or VitalSource integrations varies. From your LMS course, select the Course Materials, Access Courseware, or Launch Courseware link.
About grade sync

- Manual updates: Avoid making manual edits to MyLab or Mastering assignment names, grades, points possible, or due dates in your LMS gradebook. Manual and automatic grade sync overwrites these edits in the LMS gradebook. If this happens, make your changes to the MyLab and Mastering gradebook and then manually sync grades.
- Format: Grades only sync in numerical points.
- Due dates: For all LMSs with the MyLab and Mastering integration (LTI 1.1) and for Blackboard and Canvas with the Access Pearson or Access Pearson Codeless integration (LTI 1.3), due dates for MyLab and Mastering assignments show up in the LMS calendar after the first grade sync. Need help identifying your integration?
We recommend changing due dates from within your MyLab and Mastering course. Have students check the course home page or calendar in their MyLab and Mastering course if due dates don't sync to the LMS calendar for your integration.
- Availability: After a student completes an activity in your MyLab and Mastering course, there may be a short delay of around 15 minutes before the grades sync to your LMS course. Let students know when you sync their grades and that they might need to wait up to 30 minutes after completing an assignment to see their grades. Zeroes are synced when the assignment is past due. Manually synced grades are immediately available after you see the synced grades message. (For Canvas, there must be at least one student in the course for grades to sync.)
- Homework assignments and Dynamic Study Modules: Student progress is saved after each question, so grades update as students complete an assignment. Students may see a grade that doesn't match in the LMS gradebook immediately after completing an assignment. The correct grades show up next time grades sync.
- Learning Catalytics: You can sync Learning Catalytics grades to the MyLab and Mastering gradebook and then to your LMS course. Grades from Learning Catalytics sessions appear in the MyLab and Mastering gradebook as a column when a student starts the session. When grades for Learning Catalytics sessions are in the MyLab and Mastering gradebook, they're available to sync to your LMS gradebook.
- What's not supported: Some LMS features aren't supported by grade sync for some Pearson products. This might include changing an item name for specific assignments, such as Dynamic Study Modules, creating categories or total grade columns, dropping lowest scores, exempting students from assignments, or creating weighted total scores. Do these tasks in your LMS gradebook.

- Auto sync: Grades automatically sync as soon as they become available. When auto sync runs, grades are synced that became available since you turned on grade sync or last manually synced grades. It's ideal to turn auto sync on before students start assignments. Otherwise, use manual sync to sync grades available before you turned grade sync on.
Canvas notifications with the Access Pearson or Access Pearson Codeless integration (LTI 1.3): Before you turn on automatic grade sync for Canvas, we recommend changing your course settings to avoid seeing a lot of notifications. Change all individual notifications for course activities from Notify Immediately to Daily summary or Weekly Summary. See Canvas Help for instructions.
- Manual sync: Use Sync Grades Now or Refresh Pearson Grades anytime to manually sync all existing grades, including grades available before you turned auto sync on. (Some Moodle versions only support manual, not automatic, grade sync. Grades for unassigned MyLab IT and World Languages activities don't automatically sync. They show as Pending in the MyLab gradebook until you manually sync them.)

- Names and grades: Change assignment names, points possible, or grades in the MyLab and Mastering gradebook and then manually sync grades. Edits you make in the LMS gradebook might be overwritten to match MyLab and Mastering grades.
If you don't want to sync an assignment, for example, because it has special customizations or you want to change its name in the LMS gradebook, clear the check box for the assignment in grade sync settings. If you want to manually edit grades for a Mastering assignment from the LMS gradebook, grade sync won't work. In this case, turn off auto sync and don't do any manual syncs.
- Special characters: To avoid errors, especially in Brightspace, make MyLab and Mastering assignment names shorter than 128 characters. Avoid special characters, including \ / " * < > + = | , % ! &
- Due dates: We recommend changing due dates from within your MyLab and Mastering course. Have students check the course home page or calendar in their MyLab and Mastering course if due dates don't sync to the LMS calendar.
- Categories and customizations: Some MyLab and Mastering courses don't sync categories or category customizations, such as weighted or totaled columns. You can add these in the LMS gradebook. To create a weighted score in a MyLab course, change the question values within the assignment to appropriately weight the assignment. Weighted scores from the Mastering gradebook don’t sync.

Using the Mastering platform update? Learn about differences in how assignments and grade settings are handled.
- Prerequisites: Add at least one gradable assignment with a due/availability date.
For Brightspace, standard assignments must contain at least one item for credit. The entire assignment needs to be worth credit for Dynamic Study Modules, Adaptive Follow-Ups, and Learning Catalytics sessions.
- Points: Scores for Mastering assignments appear in your LMS gradebook as total points earned out of total points possible.
- Extra credit: If you're using the MyLab and Mastering integration, you can mark individual items in standard Mastering assignments, homework, or quizzes as credit, extra credit, or practice. Total possible points are 0 with a student's score shown as x out of 0 possible points. For example, a student earns 10 points out of 5 possible points of credit. If the student earns 5 extra credit points, a score of 5/5 instead of 10/5 syncs to the LMS gradebook. The extra credit earned doesn't sync.
The Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) integration doesn't support extra credit.
D2L Brightspace: Make at least one item in the Mastering assignment worth credit or edit the weight from your Brightspace gradebook because zeros don't sync. For special assignments like Dynamic Study Modules, Adaptive Follow-Ups, and Learning Catalytics sessions, make the entire assignment worth credit because zeros don't sync. Dynamic Study Modules show 10/10 instead of 10/0 when synced.
- Assignment late penalties in Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) for Canvas: You need to turn off assignment late penalties in either Mastering or Canvas. Otherwise, students may be penalized twice. See Mastering Help for how to turn off late penalties. Also, assignment extensions given in Mastering, whether by student or by assignment, are not passed to Canvas during grade sync.
- Zeros: Mastering assignments that are past due with a grade of 0 update in Mastering once per day and then sync to the LMS gradebook. If you extend the due date, zeros remain in the LMS gradebook. When a student completes work for an assignment with a zero grade, the zero is updated to the new score in the next grade sync. Students with a zero for a Learning Catalytics session may not see the zero in the LMS gradebook unless they click or tap it from within Learning Catalytics.
- Items for practice: Assignments have zero points. You'll see dashes for practice items in the LMS gradebook even after the due date passes.
Canvas: For the MyLab and Mastering integration only, you need to sync Mastering items for practice to add their assignment or tool links to your Canvas course.
- Offline assignments: Offline items must be worth at least 1 point to sync.
Beta Assign-by-Group: Instead of syncing these grades, we recommend you export them into a .CSV file from Mastering and then import them into your LMS gradebook.
See Mastering Help more information.

- Quizzes, tests, and simulations: Grades sync immediately after students complete a quiz, test, or simulation. Grades might only show up in the LMS gradebook after the next sync.
- Minimum points: Grades for MyLab assignments only sync if they are worth at least 1 point.
Zeros: Most MyLab products, except MyLab IT and World Languages, don't automatically assign zeros for past due work. Use the Manage Incompletes option in your MyLab course to assign zeros for late work. See MyLab Help for instructions. Assigned zeros show up in the LMS gradebook next time grades sync.
- Assignment late penalties in Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) for Canvas: You need to turn off assignment late penalties in either MyLab or Canvas. Otherwise, students may be penalized twice. See MyLab Help for how to change late penalties. Also, assignment extensions given in MyLab, whether by student or by assignment, are not passed to Canvas during grade sync.
Weighted points or overall scores: Most MyLab courses, except MyLab IT and World Languages, let you sync weighted points or overall scores for your assignments. This is useful if you have different numbers of questions in assignments you want worth the same total number of points. Averages are synced to the LMS gradebook when there are multiple overall scores.
See MyLab Help for more information.
MyLab IT, MyLab Foundations, and World Languages
These notes apply to MyLab IT, Foundational Skills, Reading and Writing Skills, Student Success, Literature, some Nursing products, and World Languages.
- MyLab IT: Synced grades for MyLab IT assignments are always available to students. Only sync grades for these assignments when you want students to access them.
- MyLab Foundations: Manually select the assignments to sync in your MyLab and Mastering gradebook. See MyLab Foundations Help for instructions.
- MyLab IT and World Languages: You can sync calculated columns to the LMS, which is the same as an overall score or course average. Zeros for past due work are automatically assigned. Activities automatically sync only when they're assigned. Activities that aren't assigned show as Pending in the LMS gradebook until you manually sync grades. Readings, videos, web links, or files that don't require a grade or due date show as Viewed or Not Viewed in the LMS gradebook.
See MyLab Help more information.
See also: Troubleshoot grade sync
Updated 25 Nov 2024