Set up Access Pearson - Sakai
- If your course will belong to a course group, set up the template first.
- From your Sakai course, add the Access Pearson link:
- Select Site Info in the left navigation.
- Choose the Manage Tools tab.
- Scroll to the External Tools section and select the Access Pearson tool.
- Select Continue and then Finish.
- Select Access Pearson in the left navigation and then Open Pearson.
- If prompted, select Get Started. Follow the prompts to link your accounts and pair your LMS course with new or suggested materials, if available, or an existing MyLab or Mastering course.
- Open your MyLab or Mastering course to turn on any grade settings and create assignments.
- From the Pearson Home page, select Grade Sync. Then select whether to sync grades automatically and choose any specific assignments to sync.
- Select Sync Grades Now to create assignment links and to initially populate the Sakai gradebook.
- Add the Access Pearson link if you don't see it.
- Pair your Sakai course with a MyLab or Mastering course.
- Add assignment, course tool, or eText links.
- Get students started.
- Sync grades.
Sakai only works with the Access Pearson integration (LTI 1.3).
Not sure which integration you're using? This topic covers the Access Pearson integration (LTI 1.3). The link for this integration is usually named Access Pearson. Check the Launch Type in Diagnostics or contact your Sakai administrator if you're unsure which integration was set up for you. The Launch Type for the Access Pearson integration is Standard integration LTI 1.3.
Step 1: Add the Access Pearson link
If you don't see the Access Pearson link, add it to your Sakai course if you have the right permissions. Otherwise, check with your Sakai system administrator.
Open your Sakai course.
- Select Site Info in the left navigation.
- Choose the Manage Tools tab.
- Scroll to the External Tools section and select the Access Pearson tool (named Access Pearson or Pearson).
Don't see this option? Check with your system administrator.
- Select Continue.
- Select Finish to confirm.
- Select Access Pearson in the left navigation.
Next, link your accounts and pair courses.
Step 2: Link accounts and pair courses
To open MyLab and Mastering from your LMS course, link your accounts once. Then pair your courses and set up assignments in your MyLab or Mastering course.
Watch how to link accounts and pair courses (1:48)
Link your accounts
If you're a section instructor or teaching assistant, see Register as a section instructor or TA.
- Select the MyLab and Mastering or Access Pearson link. (Add the link if you don't see it.)
- Select Open Pearson.How to open your content again
If the Pearson Home page isn't already open in another tab, return to your LMS course navigation and select the MyLab and Mastering or Access Pearson link again.
- Agree to any authorization requests.
- If prompted, select Get Started to link your accounts.IMPORTANT: Authorization for link migration from LTI 1.1 to 1.3
If prompted, select Authorize to automatically migrate your Pearson assignment links from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3. Without authorizing LTI 1.1, your links won't migrate and you'll get a Socket_RP_84 error message.
Sample Canvas message:
Sample D2L Brightspace message:
Don't see the Pearson Home page?For Pearson Seamless, go to step 5 to link accounts.
- Enter the username and password from your existing Pearson instructor account and select Link accounts. If you don't have an account, select Create an account and follow the prompts. You can only link one LMS account to one Pearson account.
Select Continue.
Asked to choose your product?If you're asked to choose your product, select MyLab | Mastering. (For Revel, eText, or Live Response, go to Revel and Pearson eText for your LMS Help.) Your selection is permanent and can't be undone.
- If prompted, select Get Started on the Pearson Home page to pair your courses.Not yet a validated instructor?
Select Get Started and follow the prompts to enter details about your role. Wait for a confirmation email.
If you see a blank white page, you might need to temporarily disable the AdBlock browser extension. See your browser Help for instructions.
If you have a valid Pearson account and get the message, "Account Upgrade Needed," contact Pearson Support. Your account is active but needs a subscription to the MyLab and Mastering course.
If you get the message, "To create courses you need a MyLab and Mastering educator account," contact Pearson Support for assistance.
Next, pair your courses.
Pair your courses
Start from your LMS course to pair it with a new or copy of a MyLab or Mastering course. You can't pair MyLab or Mastering courses you created outside your LMS course such as from the MyLab and Mastering website. However, you can pair copies of these existing MyLab or Mastering courses.
Most assignment and course tool links automatically migrate to LTI 1.3. To ensure this works when pairing a new edition of a Mastering platform update course, copy your previous paired course. Go to Diagnostics for your previous course and note the course ID. When you pair the new LMS course, enter the course ID you noted under Copy an existing course.
Links to eText sections, Scheduled Reading, and Adaptive Followups in a new edition aren't included in the course copy or the link migration. You'll need to manually add these links to your LMS course.
- To create or copy a MyLab or Mastering course, choose an option. Depending on your setup, you'll see different options.
- If available, search the catalog for new course materials.Ad blocker
Your browser may have an ad blocking extension, such as AdBlock Plus or uBlock Origin. Temporarily disable the extension for this site. See your browser Help for instructions. Then open Pearson and resume pairing your courses.
- Copy a previous course you’ve taught with. (Learn what's included in the copy.)See a banner saying, "Your course is a copy?"
You might be offered the option to copy a paired course. Select Yes, copy this course to copy the course and its assignment or course tool links.
If you select Yes, copy this course, you can't rename the MyLab or Mastering course or change due dates for assignments from the Enter Course Details page that appears later (see steps 4 and 5 below). Instead, after you finish pairing your courses, go to to edit the course name and dates. See My Courses Help for instructions. If you select No, create another course, use the same course ID as the original to copy the assignment or course tool links and avoid duplicate grades.
Mastering platform update: If you're transitioning to Access Pearson and copying a new edition with the Mastering platform update, select No, create another course. To ensure assignment and course tool links automatically migrate to LTI 1.3, go to Diagnostics for your previous course and copy the course ID. When you pair your new course, enter the course ID under Copy an existing course.
- Enter a course ID to copy another instructor's course. For a member section in a course group, enter the course ID of the MyLab coordinator course.
- Select the course materials provided to you.
Don't see the option to search the catalog for a new course?For Pearson Seamless, select the suggested course or enter a course ID to copy an existing course. You can't pair a new course or a course you created outside the LMS such as from the MyLab and Mastering website. However, you can make a copy.
- If available, search the catalog for new course materials.
- If you searched the catalog, select your course materials. Otherwise, skip to step 3.
- If prompted for course details, choose a course type:
If you want students to enroll in the course, select Student-use Course.
If you don't intend students to enroll in the course, select Instructor-use only. For managing multiple sections for a MyLab course, consider using a MyLab coordinator course in a course group. For MyLab IT courses paired with your LMS, you must copy an existing coordinator course.
Enter the course name and description. Use something specific for the name like your term and class section. This helps you quickly identify the course later.
- Select the course dates.
Students who try to register before the start date get a course2 error.
Students can no longer open the Pearson course on the course end date (Eastern Time, US). Set a date after the last re-take opportunity for the final exam.
- Select whether to allow other instructors to copy your course using your course ID. You can change this setting later.
- Select Create course. You'll see a confirmation message.
- Wait for email confirmation your course is created. This might take up to 3 hours.
- Close the browser tab, and return to your LMS course
Next, set up assignments.
Set up assignments
- From your LMS course, select the MyLab and Mastering or Access Pearson link. Don't see the link?
- Select Open MyLab & Mastering.
- Make sure assignments are set up in your MyLab or Mastering course. Assign due dates in your Mastering course. Manage due dates only from your MyLab or Mastering course, not your LMS course.
To successfully sync grades and open assignments, make sure assignment names are fewer than 128 characters. Avoid UTF-8 or these characters \ / " * < > + = | , % ! &
Using the Mastering platform update? Learn about differences in how assignments are handled.
- Return to your LMS course.
Next, add assignment or tool links or get students started.
Step 3: Add assignment, course tool, or eText links
Optionally, you can add links that students use to open MyLab or Mastering assignments, course tools, such as Grades, or eText (also called eTextbook) from your Sakai course. These links for Sakai only work with the Access Pearson integration. Learn how assignment, course tool, or eText links function.
Prerequisites: First pair your MyLab and Mastering and Sakai courses and set up assignments in your MyLab or Mastering course.
Watch how to add assignment links
- From your Sakai course, select Lessons in the left navigation.
- Select the Add content tab.
- Under Simple Content Items, select Add Learning app.
- Choose the Pearson app.
- Select Launch External Tool Configuration.
From the Add links from list, choose whether to see assignments or course tools. Then scroll to see all the links or search for a specific link. Choose a column heading to sort.
If you select Cancel and there are no links to add, you'll see an "Alert: Error in deep link response" message. Select X to close the message.
- Select one link. If you then select a different link, the previous link is automatically deselected.
For eText, select the Chapter to see its associated links.
Select Add link at the bottom of the page.
You'll see the link you just added. Select the link and then Open Pearson to open the link in a new browser tab or window.
- To add more links, repeat the previous steps.
Next, get students started.
- From your Sakai course, select Assignments in the left navigation.
- Select the Add tab and then the Insert Content Item icon. (Or select Edit next to an existing assignment.)
- Select Pearson. You might need to wait a moment to see the Add Links page.
- From the Add links from list, choose whether to see assignments or course tools. Then scroll to see all the links or search for a specific link. Choose a column heading to sort.
If there are no links to add and you select Cancel, you'll see an "Alert: Error in Deep Link Response (A deep link response must include at least one content_item)" message. Select X to close the message.
- Select one or more links and repeat for any option in Add links from.Adding eText links?
Select a Chapter to see its associated links.
Select Add links at the bottom of the page.
You'll see the links under Assignment Instructions on the Add new assignment page.
- Clear the Grade this assignment check box, and complete the remaining fields.
- Select Post.
- Select the assignment to see the links under Assignment Instructions. Select a link and then Open Pearson to open the link in a new browser tab or window.
Next, get students started.
External Tool Import error: If you try to add assignment or tool links via More Tools > External Tool Import, you'll get an "Alert: Missing file item in deep link response" error after you select a link. We don't recommend this method for adding links.
Step 4: Get students started
After you pair your LMS course with a MyLab or Mastering course, it’s simple for your students to open MyLab and Mastering. They need to link their LMS and Pearson accounts. They might be prompted for a username and password or to create an account. Depending on the course setup, we might automatically create a new account for them if it's their first time opening a Pearson product from your LMS. The username is the institution email address. We recommend students create the optional password to use the account to access other Pearson products, including mobile apps. Students can create the password later on from Forgot username or password or by selecting the link in their account confirmation email.
Depending on the course setup, students might need to purchase access. Options include pre-purchased access code or credit card. If available, they can also use Apple Pay or PayPal. Temporary access without payment for a limited time is an option for some courses but isn't supported for Access Pearson Codeless integrations.
Barnes & Noble, Follett Willo, RedShelf, or VitalSource: If a student is incorrectly prompted to purchase access, remove the Pearson integration settings.
RedShelf: To opt in to getting access to MyLab and Mastering through the RedShelf bookstore, students select the Course Materials link for RedShelf and then Access Courseware. To opt out and get access through Pearson, students select Access Pearson. Afterward, they must open MyLab and Mastering by selecting the Course Materials link to RedShelf and then Access Courseware.
For the second half of a multi-semester course, students might be prompted to link their LMS and Pearson accounts the first time they access the MyLab or Mastering course. Students must use the same Pearson username and password as the first part of the course. Otherwise, they might be prompted for payment again.
You don't need to give students course IDs or invite links. Communicate your course activity expectations and grade weighting with students. Let them know what's required for your course, including purchase options.
To access the student view of the MyLab or Mastering course as an instructor, remove the LMS Student View filter, and then select a student assignment, course tool, or eText link. If you select the Access Pearson link from the Student View, you’ll get error code SOCKET_LS_T_03.
Student resources
Share registration instructions and other resources with your students early so they can immediately engage with course materials. We suggest copying and pasting these URLs into an email to students before classes start or your syllabus. Another option is to add these URLs as links in a getting started section of your Sakai course. See Sakai Help for how to add links.
- Student Help:
Step 5: Sync grades
Sync grades one-way from your MyLab or Mastering course to your Sakai course. Learn how grade sync works.
Watch how to sync grades (1:01)
Prepare for grade sync in your MyLab or Mastering course
- Access the Pearson Home page and select Open Pearson.
- Select Open MyLab & Mastering.
- In your MyLab and Mastering course, turn on any grade settings and create assignments that meet the guidelines below. If needed, set availability/due dates and choose grade sync settings.
Guidelines: To avoid problems opening MyLab and Mastering courses and syncing grades, make sure names, including course and assignment names, and settings don't have UTF-8 and these special characters: \ / " * < > + = | , % ! &
Depending on your MyLab and Mastering platform, there are different ways to prepare for grade sync.
MasteringSee Mastering Help for grade sync considerations.
Using the Mastering platform update? Learn about differences in how assignments and grade settings are handled.
MyLabSee MyLab Help for how to set up grade sync from your MyLab course and choose how to sync scores.
MyLab IT and World LanguagesSee MyLab Help for how to set up grade sync from your MyLab course and choose how to sync scores.
Next, return to your LMS course to set up grade sync.
Set up grade sync from your Sakai course
Prerequisite: To avoid problems opening your MyLab or Mastering course and syncing grades, make sure names and settings in your LMS course don't have UTF-8 and these special characters: \ / " * < > + = | , % ! &
- Access the Pearson Home page and select Open Pearson.
- Select Grade Sync.
- To automatically sync grades as they become available, select On for Automatic Grade Sync.
This doesn't sync past grades. (If Off is selected, MyLab and Mastering grades only sync to your LMS when you select Sync Grades Now.)
Regardless of whether automatic grade sync is turned on, use Sync Grades Now anytime to manually sync all existing grades, including grades available before you turned auto sync on.
- Make selections in the Items to Sync list. You might need to wait up to 15 minutes after you set up grade sync to see these items.
- Select Sync Grades Now to create links for any assignments and to initially populate the LMS gradebook.
See also: Get diagnostics
Updated 30 May 2024