Create assignments

Updated 28 Feb 2024

Create homework, tests, or quizzes using the assignment creation wizard. To create other types of assignments, see Assignments done outside of the player.

  1. Open the Assignment Manager:
  2. Select the type of assignment you want to create.
  3. On step 1, the Start tab, of the assignment wizard, enter a gradebook category and an assignment name.
  4. If your institution uses a unit-based curriculum, choose the unit.
  5. If your MyLab Gradebook is synchronized with your Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, Moodle, Sakai, or Schoology gradebook, choose whether to Send grades for this assignment to the (LMS) gradebook. (This option isn't applicable when you sync overall scores to your LMS gradebook.)

Select Next to add questions on step 2.