Enroll students
Updated 22 May 2024
Using an LMS? Students start your course from your learning management system if you work in Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, Moodle, Sakai, or Schoology.
The easiest way for students to enroll is with the course-specific registration instructions. The instructions let students register with a course invite link or with a course ID or program ID.
Read how students create an account
Watch how students create an account
Course invite link
The course invite link is a direct URL to register for your course. For example: https://mlm.pearson.com/enrollment/instructor95213.
Make sure the invitation indicates the course material edition you used to create your course. It's easy for students to select the wrong edition if it's still available in their bookstore or if they buy used books.
Find your course invite link on the course-specific registration instructions.
Course ID
The course ID is a unique identifier for your course. It consists of your last name followed by five or six digits. For example: wong63229.
Find your course ID on your course creation confirmation email, the My Courses page, or the course details page.
The course ID is not related to the course number assigned by your institution.
Note: Don't give coordinator or instructor course IDs to students. Students can't enroll in these types of courses. To generate a course ID to give to students, create copies for student enrollment. (See coordinator courses or instructor courses.)
Email address
Students receive registration and enrollment confirmation by email. They need a valid email address that they check regularly.
Student purchase options
To get access to your course, students use a prepaid access code, credit card, or, if available, PayPal or Apple Pay. They can also get temporary access for a limited time.
Students who already paid for course materials for a current or previous course don’t need to pay to enroll in a subsequent course based on the same materials. See Set up multi-semester courses.
Using an LMS with a partner such as Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, and VitalSource? Students might pay through their school and will not see these payment options.