Create or select post-tests

Updated 19 Feb 2024

A study plan post-test lets you determine a student's mastery of a set of course materials after attending class.

  1. Add the study plan and create or select the pre-test, if applicable.
  2. On the Build Study Plan page, review the text in the Instructions to student box. Click Edit on the right to modify them using the content editor and then click Save.
  3. Add an existing activity as a post-test or create your own.
    • To use an existing activity as a post-test:
      1. Click Select Existing Test from Course Materials Library in the Post-Test pane on the left side of the page.
      2. Locate and select the activity in the Select content window.
      3. Click Add and Close to display the activity, its passing score, and the number of attempts allowed in the Post-Test pane.
      4. To change the passing score or other properties of the post-test, click Edit on the test's options menu.
    • To create your own post-test:
      1. Click Create Test in the Post-Test pane.
      2. Enter a name, description, and relevant vocabulary.
      3. Select the mode for the post-test:
        • Skill-based: Select to let students complete questions in any order and to move from one question to another and back, provided they have question attempts remaining.

        • Document-based: Select to require students to complete all exam/training questions in a specific order, which mirrors the steps required to create a document or project. The outcome of one question forms the starting point for the next.

  4. Click Save and Continue.
  5. Add questions to the post-test in the same way you would to an activity. You can add both simulation (performance-based) and standard (objective-based) questions to the post-test.

    You can create the following types of questions for post-tests: file upload (for dropbox activities), fill-in-the-blank, matching, multiple choice, multiple response, and true/false.

  6. Add messages as you would for an activity.
  7. Define or select an existing grade schema as you would for an activity.
  8. Set preferences for the post-test.
  9. To save your post-test, click Save and Return.
  10. In the Post-Test pane, specify what training material you want to display to those students who did not achieve a passing score:

    • Allow students access to training materials if they do not obtain passing scores on the post-test:Lets students access additional training material to help them improve their score. Students can retake the post-test until they have used all available attempts.
    • Note:  This option is visible but not available in your MyLab IT course.

    • Show training only for questions the student answers incorrectly or skips in the post-test: Select this option if you don’t want to display training material for every question on the post-test but only for those questions for which the students do not provide a correct response.
    • Show training for all questions in post-test: Select this option if you want to display training material for all the questions on the post-test regardless of students’ ability to correctly answer them.
  11. Click Save and Return again to save the post-test.