Set up course groups in MyLab and Mastering
When you set up a course group, you become the primary instructor or "coordinating instructor" and have full ownership of all the member sections.

As the coordinating instructor:
- Create an Instructor-use Course to use as the coordinator course.
- Optionally select Instructors can copy this course to allow section instructors to copy the coordinator course and create their own sections.
- Open the new course and choose Manage Course > Edit Settings in the menu.
- Select Edit for General Settings on the Course Settings Summary page to open the Edit Course wizard.
- On step 1, select Coordinator from the Type of course to create list.
- On step 2, choose the time zone and optionally apply it to all member sections.
- On step 3 optionally allow member courses to remove themselves from the group.
- On step 4, choose the default level of access granted to section instructors in the member sections. You can edit these settings for individual instructors in each section.
- Finish setting up the coordinator course and save it.
- Add assignments and any other features to be inherited by the member sections.
- Return to your My Courses page.
- Create the member sections by copying the coordinator course.
You can create the sections yourself and then assign section instructors or section instructors can copy the coordinator to create their own sections, depending on how you set up your course group.
- From the course tile, select Details > Show member sections.
- Record the member sections' course IDs (for example, jones12345) so you can give them to students and section instructors for enrollment.

Section instructors are instructors registered with an educator account in MyLab and Mastering.
As the coordinating instructor:
- Get a section instructor access code from your Pearson rep.
- Give the course ID and the section instructor access code to section instructors so they can enroll. See Enroll a section instructor.
- From the gradebook of the member section, optionally select access levels for the section instructor.
- Select More Tools > Manage Instructor Access.
- From the Access list for the section instructor, select:
- Full instructor - has complete access to course functionality.
- Section instructor - has access levels as assigned by the settings in the coordinator course.
- Read only - has view only access to the gradebook, assignments, and student results. This setting is typically used for TAs.
- Custom - Opens the Define Custom Access window where you can choose specific access levels for the TA.

TAs are registered with a student account in MyLab and Mastering. After they enroll in the section as a student, they can be promoted to TA.
As coordinating instructor or section instructor with permission:
- Provide the TA with the course ID and makes sure they have enrolled in the course as a student.
- From the My Courses page, select Details for the member section.
- Select Open roster in the window.
- In the roster, locate the TA and select Student under Role.
- Select Teaching Assistant.
- Choose whether to show or hide the TA's name when students view the course details.
- Open the member section and go to the gradebook.
- Select More Tools > Manage Instructor Access to edit the access levels for the TA.
- From the Access list for the TA, select:
- Full instructor - has complete access to course functionality.
- Section instructor - has access levels as assigned by the settings in the coordinator course.
- Read only - has view-only access to the gradebook, assignments, and student results. This setting is typically used for TAs.
- Custom - Opens the Define Custom Access window where you can choose specific access levels for the TA.