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Icons and conventions

A number of icons and conventions are used throughout your online course to give you an easy, visual explanation of a feature.

You can roll your mouse over an icon on a page to see a brief explanation of its meaning.

The following table explains the icons and conventions used in your course. The icon used can vary depending on your course.



gray text The assignment score is not included in Gradebook averages.
* The score has been changed or was submitted by the instructor. (In the Gradebook)
() The question is not available in the Study Plan. (In the list of available questions)
! or ! The assignment has essay questions that need to be graded by an instructor.
-- The instructor omitted the score from the Gradebook. In some cases, the double-dash may also indicate an ungraded essay question.
Clock icon indicating the course time or The course time. Roll your mouse over this icon to see the time.
Flag icon indicating that the assignment has a prerequisite or Prerequisite information is available for this assignment.
Diamond icon, indicating a member course. A member course managed by a coordinator course. This icon is visible only to instructors.
An H icon indicating a homework assignment A homework assignment, as categorized in the Gradebook.
A T icon indicating a test A test, as categorized in the Gradebook.
A Q icon indicating a quiz A quiz, as categorized in the Gradebook.
An O icon indicating an assignment that is not homework, test, or quiz An offline assignment, as categorized in the Gradebook.
A circle icon indicating that a homework assignment is available, A circle-and-clock  icon indicating that a homework assignment is due, A circle-and-alert  icon indicating that a homework assignment is overdue,A circle-and-star icon indicating that a homework assignment is submitted In the calendar on the MyLab home page, a homework that is available, due, overdue, or submitted, respectively.
A diamond icon indicating that a test is available, A diamond-and-clock icon indicating that a test is due, A diamond-and-alert icon indicating that a test is overdue,A diamond-and-star icon indicating that a test is submitted In the calendar on the MyLab home page, a test that is available, due, overdue, or submitted, respectively.
A square icon indicating that a quiz is available, A square-and-clock icon indicating that a quiz is due, A square-and-alert icon indicating that a quiz is overdue, A square-and-star icon indicating that a quiz is submitted In the calendar on the MyLab home page, a quiz that is available, due, overdue, or submitted, respectively.
A word balloon icon indicating that the insturctor has posted an announcement In the calendar on the MyLab home page, an announcement posted by the instructor.
A graduation cap icon indicating that a study plan topic was mastered In the Study Plan, a section or objective that was mastered by taking a test, quiz, or Quiz Me.
A pushpin icon indicating that a study plan topic is recommended for practice In the Study Plan, a section or objective recommended for practice.
A pushpin icon indicating that a study plan topic is recommended for practice (only in Knewton courses) In the Study Plan, a section or objective that is recommended for practice next (in courses using the continuously adaptive Study Plan).
A sync icon indicating that the topic is ready for retesting to prove mastery In the Study Plan, the student has answered the practice questions correctly and is ready to take a test to prove mastery.
In the Study Plan, media (such as a video or PowerPoint) that students can view to review the material.
Open circle icon indicating that a question has been started but not scored The question has been started but not yet scored.
A green checkmark indicating that the answer is correct The question was answered correctly.
A red x indicating that the answer is incorrect The question was answered incorrectly.
A green check over a red x indicating that part of the answer was correct. Part of the question was answered correctly, and partial credit was given for the question.
An icon indicating that your answer was incomplete The question is incorrect because it was not answered.
A filmstrip icon indicating that a video is available as a learning aid or A video is available as a learning aid or media assignment.
An icon indicating that an animation is available as a learning aidor An animation is available as a learning aid or media assignment.
An icon indicating that an instructor tip is available as a learning aid An instructor tip is available for the question.
An icon indicating that a guided solution is available as a learning aid, , or A guided solution is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that a sample problem is available as a learning aid or A sample problem is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that the online textbook is available as a learning aid or The eText (online textbook) is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that a calculator is available as a learning aid A calculator is available as a learning aid or media assignment.
An icon indicating that Math Tools are available as a learning aid Math Tools are available as a learning aid or media assignment. Math Tools link to a variety of tools to help visualize understanding a concept.
An icon indicating that Concept Review is available as a learning aid In math courses, Concept Review is available as a learning aid or media assignment to help review a concept.
An icon indicating that a glossary is available as a learning aid A glossary where you can look up the meaning of important terms is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that review information is available as a learning aid Review information is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that Textbook Extras are available as a learning aid Textbook Extras (additional material from your textbook) are available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that Demo Docs Examples are available as a learning aid In accounting courses, a Demo Docs Example is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that an annuity calculator is available as a learning aid In finance courses, an annuity calculator is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that help  on using financial calculators is available as a learning aid In finance courses, help on using common financial calculators is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that Tech Help is available as a learning aid Tech Help is available as a learning aid and provides information on how you can use other technologies, such as calculators or software.
More Help icon or Extra Help icon More Help or Extra Help is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that templates are available as a learning aid Templates are available as a learning aid and offer Excel worksheets, MATLAB code, Word, or Powerpoint files tied to specific questions in the textbook.
Extra information on the question is available only in review mode.
or (sw) Open the Show Work window, where you can demonstrate how you got your answer.
An icon indicating that an audio learning aid is available An audio file is available as a media assignment.
An icon indicating that an HTML document is available An HTML document is available as a media assignment.
An icon indicating that a PDF document is available A PDF file is available as a media assignment.
An icon indicating that an image is available An image is available as a media assignment.
An icon indicating that a PowerPoint presentation is available A PowerPoint presentation is available as a media assignment.
An icon indicating that a website is available A website is available as a media assignment.
An icon indicating that some type of media is available Media available in a media assignment.
An icon indicating that you can email your instructor with questions Send an email about the question to the instructor.
An icon indicating an instructor-created question An instructor-created custom question. This icon is visible only to instructors.
(tb) A question from the test bank.
An icon indicating an essay questionor (e) An essay question.
An icon indicating a graphing question or A graphing question.
An icon indicating that the question is screenreader accessible The question is accessible by screenreaders such as JAWS.
An icon indicating real-time data from FRED An economics question that contains the latest real-time data downloaded from FRED (the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis).
An icon indicating that you can generate an item analysis on the assignment or Detailed statistics for the assignment are available using Item Analysis. This icon is visible only to instructors.
A spreadsheet icon An Excel spreadsheet accompanies the question. In OM courses, indicates that OM Explorer Tutor is available as a learning aid.
Checkmark icon indicating that the assignment is not assigned, but available in sample assignments or The assignment has not been assigned, but is available to students in the list of sample tests on the Homework and Tests page in test mode. This icon is visible only to instructors.
Checkmark-and-plus sign indicating that the assignment was preassigned and is available to students The assignment has been pre-assigned and is available in the assignments table on the Homework and Tests page. These assignments are not shown in the lists of sample assignments on students' Homework and Tests page. This icon is visible only to instructors.
This assignment is preassigned and available in the list of sample tests The assignment has been pre-assigned and is available to students in the list of sample tests on the Homework and Tests page in test mode. This icon does not appear for homework. This icon is visible only to instructors.
An icon indicating a question that exactly matches the textbook In accounting courses, a static question that matches a question in the textbook.
An icon indicating that Booster C is available as a learning aid In ResultsPlus Booster courses,  Booster C is available as a learning aid.
An icon indicating that a PowerPoint slideshow is available as a learning aid In ResultsPlus Booster courses, a PowerPoint slideshow is available as a learning aid.


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