Location: Answer questions in your player > Show your work > Enter math symbols

Enter math symbols

You can choose symbols, Greek letters, and operators from the math symbol dropdown lists in the Show Work Window:

The series of dropdown lists that let you choose mathematical operators, Greek letters, and so on

To enter a symbol:

  1. Put your cursor where you want to add the symbol.
  2. From the appropriate dropdown list, choose the symbol.

    The symbol appears in the entry box.

You also can access symbols by choosing Insert > Symbol from the menu and selecting your symbol from the popup window.

Available symbols

You can move your mouse over a dropdown list to get a tooltip that shows you what kinds of symbols it contains.

Operators Set operators Symbols Lower-case
Greek letters
Upper-case Greek letters Currency
The expanded dropdown list showing mathematical operators The expanded dropdown list showing set operators The expanded dropdown list showing mathematical symbols such as infinity, directional arrows, and angle brackets The expanded dropdown list showing lower-case Greek letters The expanded dropdown list showing upper-case Greek letters The expanded dropdown list showing currency symbols such as yen, euros, pound sterling, and so on


See also:

Add a figure

Add a graph

Add images

Add tables and matrices

Format math

Format text

Undo or redo an entry

Use the Show Work window