Location: Answer questions in your player > Show your work > Format math

Format math

In the Show Work window, you can use templates to create fractions, square roots, subscripts and superscripts, integrals, primes, and so on:

The series of dropdown lists that let you choose math symbol templates such as square roots. fractions, over- and underbars, braces, and so on

To format your math entries:

  1. Put your cursor where you want to build your math format.
  2. From the appropriate dropdown list, choose the template.

    The template appears inside a rectangle in your entry box.

  3. Enter the mathematical input into the template.
  4. Click outside the rectangle when you have finished formatting your math.

You also can format math by opening the Format menu and selecting an option from the list.


For example, suppose you want to enter a number that has a superscript, such as 53.

To do this:

  1. With your cursor in position, click the the superscripts and subscripts dropdown list .
  2. Choose the superscript template from the list.
  3. The empty template appears inside a rectangle in your entry box
  4. Enter 5 in the large blue box and 3 in the smaller superscript box
  5. Click outside the rectangle when you have finished.

Available templates

You can move your mouse over a dropdown list to get a tooltip that shows you what kinds of templates it contains.

absolute values
Superscripts and

Rays, arrows
Dropdown list containing templates for fractions, roots, and absolute values Dropdown list containing templates for superscripts and subscripts Dropdown list containing templates for integrals and sums Dropdown list containing templates for primes and accents Dropdown list containing templates for rays and arrows


See also:

Add a figure

Add a graph

Add images

Add tables and matrices

Enter math symbols

Format text

Undo or redo an entry

Use the Show Work window