Students can take the self-assessment diagnostics and work through Resource topics on their own, but you may want to require that they work on specific topics and assets. Both you and the MyLab can require that students complete specific Resources. Here's how it works:
The MyLab flags these assets with the Required by instructor icon in Resources and the gradebook, and lists them in My Study Plan. When a required asset has a due date, the MyLab also lists the asset in the calendar and displays the date in Resources and My Study Plan.
You cannot perform this procedure using Firefox 16 or higher; you need to use a different browser such as Internet Explorer.
A pop-up appears over the asset and has the Require, Hide? or Show?, and Add Note buttons.
For an exercise asset, the MyLab displays the number of sets in the exercise so you know how much work you are assigning to your students.
Any required assets that are not completed by the specified time on the due date are flagged as late in the gradebook.
The course's time zone affects the due time and in some instances the due date. See Your course's time zone for more information.
The asset's Require column now displays either the due date or the text No due date, and the asset is marked as required in students' Resources and My Study Plan. If you assigned a due date, students can also access this Resource from the calendar.
Edit required Resources | Add notes to Resources | Hide Resources from students