Use instructor home
The Instructor Home page has easy access to course tools. The options change based on your course and recent use.
Use View Student Home to see the course as your students will and do assignments as a student.
In the Welcome section:
- Select Standard or Coordinator to change the type of course in the course settings.
Some section instructors might not have all the home page features.
- Select Current Course Time to change your course time zone.
- Return to and continue working on the last page you used.
- Use Manage announcements and student homepage to create and post student announcements and to customize student home page settings.
In the Gradebook section:
- Use the Student Name field to search for a student.
- Select Class Average to open a visual overview of students' overall scores.
- Export data for reports on assignment categories or student averages.
- Select an assignment due date to edit the assignment settings.
- Manage incompletes to enter zeros for students who haven't completed an assignment.
- Select assignment avg. to analyze results by question.
- Manage gradebook to manage scores, generate reports, and organize your student list.
- View all assignments results to see your class average and median scores, the number of results, the assignments, individual student assignment results.
- Change weights to change how overall scores are calculated.
- If available in your course, manage integrity violations to view and assign zeros to integrity violations.
In the Assignments section:
- Select an assignment due date to edit the assignment settings.
- Manage assignments to open the assignment manager.
- Change settings for multiple assignments, such as status, start and due dates, late submission settings, and password settings.
- Change individual student settings for one or more specified students.
In the Manage view list:
- Use Manage announcements to create and edit student announcements.
- Use Manage course home to customize the student home page.