You are here: Work in your course > View your results > How your results are calculated

How your results are calculated

Your instructor has an online Gradebook to track your scores. When you do an assignment, the results are automatically entered in your instructor's Gradebook.

Depending on the assignment, your scores go into one of these Gradebook categories:

  • Homework for homework assignments
  • Quizzes for quizzes
  • Tests for tests
  • Other for other types of work. Often this category is used for work you do offline - for example, a class project or a score for attendance
  • Study Plan for the practice questions you do from the Study Plan

To see your overall score, go the Results page, and click Show Overall Score. The Overall Score page appears and shows your average in each category, the weight of each category, the points you earned in each category, and your overall score.


See also:

View your results


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