You are here: Work in your course > Work in the Study Plan > View recommended media

View recommended media

The Recommended Media page lets you choose media (for example, a video or a PowerPoint show) to help you review the material in a section or objective.

This page is not available when your course does not offer the Study Plan.

At the top of the page, you see the section or objective covered by the media. The available media is listed by media type.

To view recommended media:

  1. On your Study Plan Recommendations page, click the recommended media icon for the section or objective you want to review.

    The Recommended Media page opens.

  2. Click the hyperlinked name of the media to view it in a separate window.
  3. After you review the material, close the separate window and click OK on the Recommended Media page to return to your Study Plan.

See also:

Use Study Plan recommendations

View your progress in the Study Plan

Work in the Study Plan


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