I want to . . .
New Design users, click this link to open your Help system. Not sure if you're in New Design? If there are menu commands down the left side of the course window, you are in a New Design course. But if there are tabs at the top of the course window for Home, Resources, etc., please stay in this Help system.
Not sure where to start or just want to get started quickly? Click an I want to . . . link to display a list of the basic procedures.
I want to . . .
Review the diagnostics that students can take on their own
Require Resource assets
Hide assets from my students
Track my students' exercise results and progress
Quizzes and diagnostics
I want to . . .
Have my students take the built-in self-assessment diagnostics
Assign diagnostics to assess my students' skills
Create quizzes to assess my students' skills
I want to . . .
Access the eText
Course calendar
I want to . . .
View the course calendar
Post notes on the calendar
Syllabus and other course documents
I want to . . .
Post the course syllabus
Post files for students
Student roster
I want to . . .
View the student roster
Remove a student from my course
Email my students
Communicate with my students
I want to . . .
Post an announcement for my students
Email my students
I want to . . .
Create a
Create a
Create a portfolio assignment
Grade assignments
Attach a file to a student's submission
Submit an assignment for an originality check
View assignment results for each student
Peer-review assignments
I want to . . .
Learn more about peer-review assignments
Create a peer-review assignment
Edit a peer-review assignment
Manage peer-review groups/teams
Grade a peer-review assignment
I want to . . .
Track my students' exercise results and progress
View assignment results for each student
Customize the gradebook
Connect with Pearson
I want to . . .
Access my Pearson account
Get technical support from Pearson