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Tips on using players

Here are some answers to questions you may have about doing homework, tests, or quizzes in your player.

  • Which browser works better on a Macintosh?

    Pearson recommends that you use Safari when you are working in the player. Although you can use Firefox on the Macintosh, the player works better in Safari.

  • Can I do my assignments on my smartphone?

    The current release of the player is supported and tested only on touch-screen devices such as iPads and Android or Windows tablets. Doing assignments on your smartphone may not provide the best experience.

  • What happens if I start my homework just before it is due?

    If you start a homework assignment just before its expiration time, the results depend on your instructor's course settings. You can continue working on the assignment normally if your instructor allows it. If your instructor does not allow access after the due date, you can continue working on the assignment as long as you don't leave the homework.

  • What happens if my homework session expires?

    If you start a homework assignment and then stop without closing the player, the player will time out after an extended period of time - usually 60 minutes. You get a warning and then after, another 5 minutes, the player will save your work and end the homework session.

  • Why can't I view media such as videos or animations?

    To display media on a PC or laptop, you must install the appropriate plug-in or player (for example, QuickTime). To install a plug-in or player, use the Browser Check.

    If you are using a tablet, the media may be an unsupported media type such as Flash that does not work on mobile devices. In this case, you see a message telling you to work on a PC or laptop to view the media.

  • Why is my test shown as incomplete?

    Once you enter a test, you must remain in it until you have completed and explicitly submitted it. Do not click the browser Back button or links to other pages in your course until then. Navigating to other pages ends your test session and flags your test as incomplete.

    Depending on how your instructor set up the test, you can resume the incomplete test on your own, or you may need your instructor's permission. In some cases, you may not be able to access any other part of your course before you get your instructor's permission to finish the test.

  • Can I copy and paste text in the player window?

    If your course uses the latest version of the player, you can copy and paste text in a question. Select the text you want to copy and then type Ctrl-c. To paste the text you just copied, type Ctrl-v. Use the Control key on both Mac and PC. See Use keyboard shortcuts for details.

  • Why don't I see a grade for my essay question?

    If you are reviewing a test or quiz that includes essay questions, you will see whether you answered those questions correctly only after your instructor has finished grading them by hand.

  • Why can't I practice my homework questions in Review mode?

    If you are reviewing a homework assignment and your instructor has limited the number of times you can retry a question, you do not see the Similar Exercise or Try Again button when you review the question.

See also:

Use the player

Use the player with JAWS


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